Category:Functions (GECK 1.1)
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Functions that come with the GECK by default.
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Pages in category "Functions (GECK 1.1)"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 488 total.
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- Abs
- Activate
- AddAchievement
- AddCreatureToLeveledList
- AddFormToFormList
- AddItem
- AddItemHealthPercent
- AddItemToLeveledList
- AddNote
- AddNPCToLeveledList
- AddPerk
- AddScriptPackage
- AddSPECIALPoints
- AddSpell
- AddTagSkills
- AddToFaction
- AddTopic
- AdvancePCLevel
- AgeRace
- ApplyImageSpaceModifier
- AttachAshPile
- AutoDisplayObjectives
- Autosave
- GetActionRef
- GetActorAggroRadiusViolated
- GetActorCrimePlayerEnemy
- GetActorFactionPlayerEnemy
- GetActorsInHigh
- GetActorValue
- GetAlarmed
- GetAngle
- GetAnimAction
- GetArmorRating
- GetAttacked
- GetBaseActorValue
- GetBroadcastState
- GetButtonPressed
- GetCannibal
- GetCauseofDeath
- GetClothingValue
- GetCombatTarget
- GetConcussed
- GetContainer
- GetContainerInventoryCount
- GetCurrentAIPackage
- GetCurrentAIProcedure
- GetCurrentTime
- GetCurrentWeatherPercent
- GetDayOfWeek
- GetDead
- GetDeadCount
- GetDefaultOpen
- GetDestroyed
- GetDestructionStage
- GetDetected
- GetDetectionLevel
- GetDialogueEmotion
- GetDialogueEmotionValue
- GetDisabled
- GetDisposition
- GetDistance
- GetEquipped
- GetFactionCombatReaction
- GetFactionRank
- GetFactionRankDifference
- GetFactionReaction
- GetFactionRelation
- GetForceRun
- Getforcesneak
- GetFriendHit
- GetFurnitureMarkerID
- GetGameSetting
- GetGlobalValue
- GetGold
- GetGroupMemberCount
- GetGroupTargetCount
- GetHasNote
- GetHeadingAngle
- GetHealthPercentage
- GetHitLocation
- GetIdleDoneOnce
- GetIgnoreCrime
- GetInCell
- GetInFaction
- GetInSameCell
- GetInWorldspace
- GetInZone
- GetIsAlerted
- GetIsAlignment
- GetIsClass
- GetIsCreature
- GetIsCreatureType
- GetIsCurrentPackage
- GetIsCurrentWeather
- GetIsFormType
- GetIsGhost
- GetIsID
- GetIsLockBroken
- GetIsObjectType
- GetIsPlayableRace
- GetIsRace
- GetIsReference
- GetIsSex
- GetIsUsedItem
- GetIsUsedItemEquipType
- GetIsVoiceType
- GetItemCount
- GetKillingBlowLimb
- GetKnockedState
- GetLastHitCritical
- GetLastPlayerAction
- GetLevel
- GetLinkedRef
- GetLocked
- GetLockLevel
- GetLOS
- GetMajorCrimeCount
- GetMapMarkerVisible
- GetMinorCrimeCount
- GetObjectiveCompleted
- GetObjectiveDisplayed
- GetOffersServicesNow
- GetOpenState
- GetPackageTarget
- GetParentRef
- GetPCEnemyOfFaction
- GetPCExpelled
- GetPCInFaction
- GetPCIsRace
- GetPCIsSex
- GetPCMiscStat
- GetPCSleepHours
- GetPermanentActorValue
- GetPlantedExplosive
- GetPlayerControlsDisabled
- GetPlayerGrabbedRef
- GetPlayerName
- GetPlayerTeammate
- GetPlayerTeammateCount
- GetPos
- GetQuestCompleted
- GetQuestRunning
- GetQuestVariable
- GetRadiationLevel
- GetRandomPercent
- GetRestrained
- GetSandman
- GetScale
- GetScriptVariable
- GetSecondsPassed
- GetSelf
- GetShouldAttack
- GetSitting
- GetSleeping
- GetStage
- GetStageDone