Complete List of Functions in NVSE
Revision as of 06:23, 1 November 2015 by imported>Hemingway (Added functions up to 5.0.3 (release), source: nvse_whatsnew)
The following is a complete list of all functions registered in NVSE version 5.0.3
See also: Complete List of Function in Fallout New Vegas
External Documentation[edit | edit source]
If a function is not yet documented in this wiki, consider:
- The documentation nvse_whatsnew.txt distributed with NVSE
- The documentation for OBSE (most commands were ported from this and are identical)
- Gribbleshnibit's external site.
Registered Functions[edit | edit source]
- GetNVSEVersion
- GetNVSERevision
- GetNVSEBeta
- GetBaseObject / gbo
- GetWeight
- GetHealth / GetBaseHealth
- GetValue / GetItemValue
- SetWeight
- SetHealth / SetObjectHealth
- SetBaseItemValue / SetValue
- GetType / GetObjectType
- GetRepairList / grl
- GetEquipType
- GetWeaponAmmo / GetAmmo
- GetWeaponClipRounds / GetClipSize
- GetAttackDamage / GetDamage
- GetWeaponType / GetWeapType
- GetWeaponMinSpread / GetMinSpread
- GetWeaponSpread / GetSpread
- GetWeaponProjectile / GetWeapProj
- GetWeaponSightFOV / GetSightFOV
- GetWeaponMinRange / GetMinRange
- GetWeaponMaxRange / GetMaxRange
- GetWeaponAmmoUse / GetAmmoUse
- GetWeaponActionPoints / GetAP
- GetWeaponCritDamage / GetCritDam
- GetWeaponCritChance / GetCritPerc
- GetWeaponCritEffect / GetCritEffect
- GetWeaponFireRate / GetFireRate
- GetWeaponAnimAttackMult / GetAnimAttackMult
- GetWeaponRumbleLeftMotor / GetRumbleLeft
- GetWeaponRumbleRightMotor / GetRumbleRight
- GetWeaponRumbleDuration / GetRumbleDuration
- GetWeaponRumbleWavelength / GetRumbleWavelen
- GetWeaponAnimShotsPerSec / GetAnimShotsPerSec
- GetWeaponAnimReloadTime / GetAnimReloadTime
- GetWeaponAnimJamTime / GetAnimJamTime
- GetWeaponSkill
- GetWeaponResistType / GetWeaponResist
- GetWeaponFireDelayMin / GetFireDelayMin
- GetWeaponFireDelayMax / GetFireDelayMax
- GetWeaponAnimMult / GetAnimMult
- GetWeaponReach / GetReach
- GetWeaponIsAutomatic / GetIsAutomatic
- GetWeaponHandGrip / GetHandGrip
- GetWeaponReloadAnim / GetReloadAnim
- GetWeaponBaseVATSChance / GetVATSChance
- GetWeaponAttackAnimation / GetAttackAnim
- GetWeaponNumProjectiles / GetNumProj
- GetWeaponAimArc / GetAimArc
- GetWeaponLimbDamageMult / GetLimbDamageMult
- GetWeaponSightUsage / GetSightUsage
- GetWeaponHasScope
- con_SetGameSetting
- con_SetINISetting
- con_GetINISetting
- con_RefreshINI
- con_Save
- con_SaveINI
- con_QuitGame
- con_LoadGame
- con_CloseAllMenus
- con_SetVel
- ListGetCount
- ListGetNthForm
- ListGetFormIndex
- ListAddForm
- ListAddReference / ListAddRef
- ListRemoveNthForm / ListRemoveNth
- ListRemoveForm
- ListReplaceNthForm / ListReplaceNth
- ListReplaceForm
- ListClear
- GetEquippedObject / GetEqObj
- GetEquippedCurrentHealth / GetEqCurHealth
- CompareNames
- SetName
- GetHotkeyItem
- GetNumItems / GetNumObjects
- GetInventoryObject / GetNthObject
- SetEquippedCurrentHealth / SetEqCurHealth
- GetCurrentHealth
- SetCurrentHealth
- IsKeyPressed
- TapKey / tk
- HoldKey / hk
- ReleaseKey / rk
- DisableKey / dk
- EnableKey / ek
- GetNumKeysPressed / gnkp
- GetKeyPress / gkp
- GetNumMouseButtonsPressed / gnmbp
- GetMouseButtonPress / gmbp
- GetControl
- GetAltControl
- MenuTapKey / mtk
- MenuHoldKey / mhk
- MenuReleaseKey / mrk
- DisableControl / dc
- EnableControl / ec
- TapControl / tc
- SetControl
- SetAltControl
- SetIsControl
- IsControl
- IsKeyDisabled
- IsControlDisabled
- IsControlPressed
- IsPersistent
- GetParentCell / gpc
- GetParentWorldspace / gpw
- GetTeleportCell
- GetLinkedDoor
- GetFirstRef
- GetNextRef
- GetNumRefs
- GetFirstRefInCell
- GetNumRefsInCell
- GetRefCount
- SetRefCount
- GetArmorAR / GetArmorArmorRating
- IsPowerArmor / IsPA
- SetIsPowerArmor / SetIsPA
- SetRepairList
- IsQuestItem
- SetQuestItem
- GetObjectEffect / GetEnchantment
- SetWeaponAmmo / SetAmmo
- SetWeaponClipRounds / SetClipSize
- SetAttackDamage / SetDamage
- SetWeaponType
- SetWeaponMinSpread / SetMinSpread
- SetWeaponSpread / SetSpread
- SetWeaponProjectile / SetProjectile
- SetWeaponSightFOV / SetSightFOV
- SetWeaponMinRange / SetMinRange
- SetWeaponMaxRange / SetMaxRange
- SetWeaponAmmoUse / SetAmmoUse
- SetWeaponActionPoints / SetAP
- SetWeaponCritDamage / SetWeaponCritDamage
- SetWeaponCritChance / SetCritPerc
- SetWeaponCritEffect / SetCritEffect
- SetWeaponAnimAttackMult / SetAnimAttackMult
- SetWeaponAnimMult / SetAnimMult
- SetWeaponReach / SetReach
- SetWeaponIsAutomatic / SetIsAutomatic
- SetWeaponHandGrip / SetHandGrip
- SetWeaponReloadAnim / SetReloadAnim
- SetWeaponBaseVATSChance / SetVATSChance
- SetWeaponAttackAnimation / SetAttackAnim
- SetWeaponNumProjectiles / SetNumProj
- SetWeaponAimArc / SetAimArc
- SetWeaponLimbDamageMult / SetLimbDamageMult
- SetWeaponSightUsage / SetSightUsage
- GetNumericGameSetting
- SetNumericGameSetting
- GetNumericIniSetting
- SetNumericIniSetting
- Label
- Goto
- PrintToConsole / printc
- DebugPrint / dbprintc
- SetDebugMode / dbmode
- GetDebugMode / GetDbMode
- GetUIFloat
- SetUIFloat
- SetUIString
- GetCrosshairRef
- GetGameRestarted
- con_ToggleMenus
- con_TFC
- con_TCL
- GetGameLoaded
- GetWeaponItemMod
- IsModLoaded
- GetModIndex
- GetNumLoadedMods
- GetSourceModIndex
- GetDebugSelection
- GetArmorDT / GetArmorDamageThreshold
- SetArmorAR / SetArmorArmorRating
- SetArmorDT / SetArmorDamageThreshold
- IsScripted
- GetScript
- RemoveScript
- SetScript
- IsFormValid
- IsReference
- GetWeaponRequiredStrength / GetReqStr
- GetWeaponRequiredSkill / GetReqSkill
- SetWeaponRequiredStrength / SetReqStr
- SetWeaponRequiredSkill / SetReqSkill
- SetWeaponResistType / SetWeaponResist
- SetWeaponSkill
- GetAmmoSpeed
- GetAmmoConsumedPercent
- GetAmmoCasing
- GetPlayerCurrentAmmoRounds
- SetPlayerCurrentAmmoRounds
- GetPlayerCurrentAmmo
- GetOpenKey / GetKey
- Exp
- Log10
- Floor / flr
- Ceil
- LeftShift
- RightShift
- LogicalAnd
- LogicalOr
- LogicalXor
- LogicalNot
- Pow
- Fmod
- Rand / r
- SortUIListBox
- GetOwner
- GetLocalRefIndex
- BuildRef
- SetNameEx
- MessageEx
- MessageBoxEx
- TempCloneForm
- IsClonedForm / IsCloned
- GetParentCellOwner
- GetOwningFactionRequiredRank
- GetParentCellOwningFactionRequiredRank
- SetUIStringEx
- con_SetUFOCamSpeedMult
- con_TDT
- SetWeaponFireRate / SetFireRate
- GetWeaponLongBursts / GetLongBursts
- SetWeaponLongBursts / SetLongBursts
- GetWeaponFlags1
- GetWeaponFlags2
- SetWeaponFlags1
- SetWeaponFlags2
- GetActorBaseFlagsLow
- SetActorBaseFlagsLow
- GetActorBaseFlagsHigh
- SetActorBaseFlagsHigh
- ClearBit
- SetBit
- GetEquippedWeaponModFlags
- SetEquippedWeaponModFlags
- GetWeaponItemModEffect
- GetWeaponItemModValue1
- GetWeaponItemModValue2
- HasOwnership
- IsOwned
- SetOwningFactionRequiredRank
- GetDialogueTarget / GDT
- GetDialogueSubject / GDS
- GetDialogueSpeaker / GDK
- SetPackageLocationReference
- GetAgeClass
- RemoveMeIR
- CopyIR
- CreateTempRef
- GetFirstRefForItem
- GetNextRefForItem
- AddItemOwnership
- AddItemHealthPercentOwner
- GetTokenValue / GetTV
- SetTokenValue / SetTV
- GetTokenRef / GetTR
- SetTokenRef / SetTR
- SetTokenValueAndRef / SetTVR
- GetPaired
- GetRespawn
- SetRespawn
- GetPermanent
- SetPermanent
- GetBaseForm / gbf
- IsRefInList
- SetOpenKey / SetKey
- GetCurrentPackage
- GetPackageLocation / GetPackageLocationReference
- GetPackageCount
- GetNthPackage
- SetNthPackage
- AddPackageAt
- RemovePackageAt
- RemoveAllPackages
- ClearOpenKey / ClearKey
- SetPackageTargetReference
- SetPackageTargetCount / SetPackageTargetDistance
- GetPackageTargetCount / GetPackageTargetDistance
- SetPackageLocationRadius
- GetPackageLocationRadius
- SetEyes
- GetEyes
- SetHair
- GetHair
- GetHairLength
- SetHairLength
- GetHairColor
- SetHairColor
- GetNPCWeight
- SetNPCWeight
- GetNPCHeight
- SetNPCHeight
- Update3D
- GetVariable
- HasVariable
- GetRefVariable
- GetArrayVariable / GetArrayVar
- CompareScripts
- ResetAllVariables
- GetNumExplicitRefs
- GetNthExplicitRef
- RunScript
- GetCurrentScript
- GetCallingScript
- Let
- eval
- while
- loop
- ForEach
- continue
- break
- ToString
- testexpr
- TypeOf
- Function
- Call
- SetFunctionValue
- GetUserTime
- GetModLocalData
- SetModLocalData
- ModLocalDataExists
- RemoveModLocalData
- GetAllModLocalData
- @PushExecutionContext
- @PopExecutionContext
- ar_Construct
- ar_Size
- ar_Dump
- ar_DumpID
- ar_Erase
- ar_Sort
- ar_CustomSort
- ar_SortAlpha
- ar_Find
- ar_First
- ar_Last
- ar_Next
- ar_Prev
- ar_Keys
- ar_HasKey
- ar_BadStringIndex
- ar_BadNumericIndex
- ar_Copy
- ar_DeepCopy
- ar_Null
- ar_Resize
- ar_Insert
- ar_InsertRange
- ar_Append
- ar_List
- ar_Map
- ar_Range
- sv_Destruct
- sv_Construct
- sv_Set
- sv_Compare
- sv_Length
- sv_Erase
- sv_SubString
- sv_ToNumeric
- sv_Insert
- sv_Count
- sv_Find
- sv_Replace
- sv_GetChar
- sv_Split
- sv_Percentify
- sv_ToUpper
- sv_ToLower
- IsLetter
- IsDigit
- IsPrintable
- IsPunctuation
- IsUpperCase
- CharToAscii
- ToUpper
- ToLower
- AsciiToChar
- NumToHex
- ToNumber
- GetNthModName
- GetName
- GetKeyName
- GetFormIDString
- GetRawFormIDString / GetFormIDString2
- GetFalloutDirectory / GetFalloutDir
- ActorValueToString / AVString
- ActorValueToStringC / AVStringC
- GetModelPath
- GetIconPath
- GetBipedModelPath
- GetBipedIconPath
- GetTexturePath
- SetModelPathEX
- SetIconPathEX
- SetBipedIconPathEX
- SetBipedModelPathEX
- SetTexturePath
- GetNthFactionRankName
- SetNthFactionRankNameEX
- GetStringGameSetting
- SetStringGameSettingEX
- GetRace
- GetRaceName
- con_SCOF
- PickOneOf
- IsPlayerSwimming
- GetTFC
- V3Length / v3len
- V3Normalize / v3norm
- V3Crossproduct / v3xprod
- QFromEuler / qfrome
- QFromAxisAngle / qfromaa
- QNormalize / qnorm
- QMultQuatQuat / qmultq
- QMultQuatVector3 / qmultv3
- QToEuler / qtoe
- QInterpolate / qint
- IsPlayable
- SetIsPlayable
- GetEquipmentSlotsMask / GetESM
- SetEquipmentSlotsMask / SetESM
- con_SQV
- GetConsoleEcho
- SetConsoleEcho
- GetScopeModelPath
- SetScopeModelPath
- EndVATScam
- EquipItem2
- EquipMe
- UnequipMe
- IsEquipped
- GetInvRefsForItem
- SetHotkeyItem
- ClearHotkey
- PrintDebug / PrintD
- SetVariable
- SetRefVariable
- con_ShowVars
- GetStringIniSetting
- SetStringIniSetting
- GetPerkRank
- GetAltPerkRank
- GetEquipmentBipedMask
- SetEquipmentBipedMask
- GetRefs
- GetRefsInCell
- IsPluginInstalled
- GetPluginVersion
- GetBaseNumFactions
- GetBaseNthFaction
- GetBaseNthRank
- GetNumRanks
- GetBaseSpellListSpells
- GetBaseSpellListLevSpells
- GetBasePackages
- GetBaseFactions
- GetBaseRanks
- GetActiveFactions
- GetActiveRanks
- GetFactionRankNames
- GetFactionRankFemaleNames
- GetRaceHairs
- GetRaceEyes
- GetHeadParts
- GetLevCreatureRefs
- GetLevCharacterRefs
- GetListForms
- GenericAddForm
- GenericReplaceForm
- GenericDeleteForm
- IsPluginInstalled
- GetPluginVersion
- GenericGetForm
- Con_INV
- GetNthDefaultForm
- SetNthDefaultForm
- GetDefaultForms
- GetGridsToLoad
- OutputLocalMapPicturesOverride / OLMPOR
- SetOutputLocalMapPicturesGrids / SetOLMPGrids
- SetEventHandler
- RemoveEventHandler
- GetCurrentEventName
- DispatchEvent
- GetInGrid
- GetInGridInCell
- AddSpellNS
- IsLoadDoor
- GetDoorTeleportX
- GetDoorTeleportY
- GetDoorTeleportZ
- GetDoorTeleportRot
- SetDoorTeleport
- GetFlagsLow
- GetFlagsHigh
- SetFlagsLow
- SetFlagsHigh
- HasConsoleOutputFile / HasCOF
- GetConsoleOutputFile / GetCOF
- PrintF
- PrintDebugF / PrintDF
- Con_TFIK
- GetEyesFlags
- SetEyesFlags
- GetHairFlags
- SetHairFlags
- GetActorFIKStatus / GetFIK
- SetActorFIKStatus / SetFIK