Page history
Template_talk: Function
16 January 2011
27 April 2009
26 April 2009
→More/Longer examples: fair enough, but what are we going to do with them?
→More/Longer examples: if they're there, let them be: otherwise, short ones can show more use cases.
→More/Longer examples
→More/Longer examples
25 April 2009
21 April 2009
→Templates considered harmful: Damn fine rebuttal!
→Templates considered harmful
→Templates considered harmful: forgot to sign; adding another reason
20 April 2009
9 February 2009
5 February 2009
30 January 2009
19 January 2009
16 January 2009
→CategoryList: Why are categories a template argument?
i think it's ready
→See Also: removed it
7 January 2009
13 December 2008
→Function Parameter Types: good idea
→Displaying the whole page, instead of the summary only
→Discussion about individual fields
→Origin: Added Geck message
→Function Parameter Types: Box
→Function Parameter Types: Nowiki
→Function Parameter Types: Almost forgot
→Dot Syntax and OBSE (expected FOSE) functions: Signature
→Discussion about individual fields
→Discussion about individual fields: Dot syntax
→General: Sandbox