
From the Fallout3 GECK Wiki
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Description[edit | edit source]

SetObjectiveCompleted Turns a quest objective on or off.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

SetObjectiveCompleted QuestName, Index, CompletedFlag (0/1) 

Examples[edit | edit source]

SetObjectiveCompleted MyQuest 10 1

Marks objective 10 in MyQuest as completed.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • If the quest itself is not complete, AND the objective is currently being displayed, the player will receive an "Objective Completed" message.
  • If the quest itself is already complete, no message will be displayed (although the objective will still be marked as completed).
  • Completed objectives (which are also set to being displayed) show up as "greyed out" in the interface.

See Also[edit | edit source]


Reference[edit | edit source]

None provided.