Category:Designer Debug Tools
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This is a brief list of console commands commonly used by designers when debugging content. The console is not enabled by default. To enable the console add the line bAllowConsole=1 to fallout.ini in your installation folder. While running the game, press ~ to pause the game and enter console commands.
NOTE: Many console commands are disabled in the optimized, retail version of the game. They are included here for posterity, and in case those commands are exposed to end-users in future builds.
Console Command | Abbreviation | Notes |
ToggleDebugText | TDT | turns debug pages on and off. |
SetDebugText | SDT | enables specific debug pages. |
ToggleCombatDebug | toggle extra text for debugging combat. | |
Help | show the list of console commands. | |
SetConsoleOuputFile | rename the file for storing console output. | |
CenterOnCell | COC | move player to specified interior cell. |
CenterOnWorld | COW X, Y | move player to specified worldspace @ X/Y coords |
ToggleCollision | TCL | toggle collision detection for player w/nothing selected |
PickRefByID | PRID | select a reference by ID. |
ResetAllTerminals | resets computer terminal hacking attempts. | |
ResetDialogueFlags | resets the SayOnce and SayOncePerDay flags. | |
Show | show values of script variables. | |
ShowVars | SV | show variables on selected object. |
ShowQuestVars | SQV | show variables for specified quest. |
ShowQuests | show list of current quests. | |
ShowAnim | show animation and actor status. | |
ShowInventory | INV | show objects within selected reference. |
GetActorValueInfo | GETAVINFO | show current and computed base values for selected actor. |
PlaceLocationMarker | places some tiny debug geometry in the world at the specified coordinates. | |
AddOcclusionPlane | add an occlusion plane at a designated x, y coordinate plane. | |
ToggleBorders | TB | show border lines for each cell. |
ToggleBoundVisGeom | renders spherical NiBounds for the selected reference in game. | |
ToggleCollisionGeometry | TCG | toggles a color-coded view of the collision geometry (the wireframes that surround every object that has collision data associated with it). |
ToggleMaterialGeometry | toggles a color-coded view of the material geometry (the wireframes that surround every object that has material-type data associated with it). | |
TogglePrimitives | TPR | toggles a color-coded view of primitives. |
ToggleFlyCam | TFC | turns the Free Fly camera (UFO cam) on and off. |
TogglePathLine | TPL | View actor path-building lines |
ToggleSky | TS | turn the sky effects on or off. |
ToggleWireframe | TW | show the world as wireframe. |
Pages in category "Designer Debug Tools"
The following 37 pages are in this category, out of 37 total.