Category:Designer Debug Tools

Revision as of 05:53, 26 June 2011 by imported>Garin (=>Category:Scripting)

This is a brief list of console commands commonly used by designers when debugging content. The console is not enabled by default. To enable the console add the line bAllowConsole=1 to fallout.ini in your installation folder. While running the game, press ~ to pause the game and enter console commands.

NOTE: Many console commands are disabled in the optimized, retail version of the game. They are included here for posterity, and in case those commands are exposed to end-users in future builds.

Console Command Abbreviation Notes
ToggleDebugText TDT turns debug pages on and off.
SetDebugText SDT enables specific debug pages.
ToggleCombatDebug toggle extra text for debugging combat.
Help show the list of console commands.
SetConsoleOuputFile rename the file for storing console output.
CenterOnCell COC move player to specified interior cell.
CenterOnWorld COW X, Y move player to specified worldspace @ X/Y coords
ToggleCollision TCL toggle collision detection for player w/nothing selected
PickRefByID PRID select a reference by ID.
ResetAllTerminals resets computer terminal hacking attempts.
ResetDialogueFlags resets the SayOnce and SayOncePerDay flags.
Show show values of script variables.
ShowVars SV show variables on selected object.
ShowQuestVars SQV show variables for specified quest.
ShowQuests show list of current quests.
ShowAnim show animation and actor status.
ShowInventory INV show objects within selected reference.
GetActorValueInfo GETAVINFO show current and computed base values for selected actor.
PlaceLocationMarker places some tiny debug geometry in the world at the specified coordinates.
AddOcclusionPlane add an occlusion plane at a designated x, y coordinate plane.
ToggleBorders TB show border lines for each cell.
ToggleBoundVisGeom renders spherical NiBounds for the selected reference in game.
ToggleCollisionGeometry TCG toggles a color-coded view of the collision geometry (the wireframes that surround every object that has collision data associated with it).
ToggleMaterialGeometry toggles a color-coded view of the material geometry (the wireframes that surround every object that has material-type data associated with it).
TogglePrimitives TPR toggles a color-coded view of primitives.
ToggleFlyCam TFC turns the Free Fly camera (UFO cam) on and off.
TogglePathLine TPL View actor path-building lines
ToggleSky TS turn the sky effects on or off.
ToggleWireframe TW show the world as wireframe.