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I have been making custom animations and forward, idle, turnleft, and turnright will play but not backward, right, or left. I have checked over the .nif thoroughly many times but still can not see any indication of what could cause this. :Anon?

Edit: it seems the problem was that my nicontrollermanager and nimultitargettransformcontroller were targeting the wrong node. it should be the bsfadenode. :Anon?

Has anyone gotten "PlayGroup Stagger 1" to work under any conditions? I need to play an animation when an actor is hit but this one isn't working for me.--Omzy 04:52, 16 July 2009 (UTC)

Edit: Talkie Toaster informed me that there are no Stagger animations (kf files) in the game. Search through all the kf's in the Fallout 3 meshes folder and lo and behold, no stagger. The correct way to go about this was to use PlayIdle with the HitReactionIdles located under Gameplay -> Idle Animations.--Omzy 01:29, 17 July 2009 (UTC)