Difference between revisions of "Pathing Tests"

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294 bytes added ,  16:07, 2 November 2009
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m (Clarification for those who think the first right-click should have a visible effect.)
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**Add avoid nodes using the process in the [[Normal Pathing Test]] article
**Add avoid nodes using the process in the [[Normal Pathing Test]] article
**After setting the avoid nodes, let go of Ctrl and right click anywhere in the navmesh to run the test
**After setting the avoid nodes, let go of Ctrl and right click anywhere in the navmesh to run the test
*Path Testing has shown to produce invalid paths when a connected NavMesh is placed directly above a NavMesh that uses placeable water. To aviod this, ensure any placed water that has a NavNesh within it does not have a connected NavMesh that passes directly over the placeable water.
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