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SDT NPCAI will list all stats related to the selected actor's AI routines.
Page 1[edit | edit source]
Upper Left[edit | edit source]
- Day of the Week (current in-game day)
- Date (current in-game date)
- Time (current in-game time)
- Gameplay (total time in game)
- PC Cell (cell name)
- Map Name
Right[edit | edit source]
- Actor Name
- Heading
- Looking
- Pos: (x coord, y coord, z coord)
- Bip01 Pos: (x coord, y coord, z coord)
- WorldRoot CameraNode: (x coord, y coord, z coord)
- Cell (cell name)
- EncZone: (Encounter Zone of the selected actor/object.)
- Level: (Calculated level for the Encounter Zone)
- Package Travel (name of current travel package)
- Procedure Current Pack (name of current travel procedure)
- Current Editor Package (Edtior name of current travel package)
- Procedure Editor Pack (Edtior name of current travel procedure)
- Actor Health
- Heading Target:
- Path Building Status:
- ActorMover State
- Heading:
- Face Target:
- Move Mode:
- Pathing State:
- Actor Avoid State:
- Move Mode:
Page 2[edit | edit source]
- Detection Timer: (float) seconds.
Detected Actors List[edit | edit source]
- Actor's Name (Editor ID), Level, Lost/Seen, LOS: (Yes/No), Never Detected/Last Detected at (x, y, z), (float) seconds ago:
Actors Who Detect Me List[edit | edit source]
- Actor's Name (Editor ID), Level, Lost/Seen, LOS: (Yes/No), Last Detected at (x, y, z), (float) seconds ago: