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Markers are objects that can be dragged into the scene for the following purposes...

They are found in the Object Window under "Static".

  • Arrow Marker: Unused(?)
  • COCMarkerHeading: Defines the placement and direction when the player COCs to the cell.
  • Collision Marker: Cannot be dragged into the Render window. Use the Collision creation buttons to create collision instead.
  • MapMarker: Defines a location on the world map.
  • North Marker: Defines a direction as north in a World Space.
  • Portal Marker: Cannot be dragged into the Render window. Use the Draw A Portal button to create Portals instead.
  • Radiation Marker: Defines a location for radiation. Double click the marker in the render window, and, under the Extra tab, change Radiation variable to set the radiation per second gained at the marker's location; change the Radius to set how far out radiation gain starts to occur
  • Room Marker: Cannot be dragged into the Render window. Use the Create Room Bound button to create rooms instead.
  • XMarker: Usually used for AI packages in determining how far away from a location they can perform certain actions, or how close they need to be before they will carry out the action.
  • XMarkerHeading: Usually used by AI packages to determine standing location and heading if carrying out a package that requires it.