Revision as of 17:29, 25 December 2011 by imported>Winterbraid
Description[edit | edit source]
PushActorAway Knocks down (ragdoll-izes) one actor and pushes it away from another with a given force.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
[ActorREF]PushActorAway TargetREF iForce
Examples[edit | edit source]
BuddyRef.PushActorAway FredRef 10
Fred would move away from Buddy with a havok force of 10.
BuddyRef.PushActorAway FredRef -50
Fred will be pulled towards Buddy with a havok force of 50. If they are standing close enough, Fred will slide past Buddy, pushing Buddy away in the process.
Notes[edit | edit source]
- iForce is an integer value.
- An actor that has been pushed can have its inventory accessed by the player until the actor gets up again.
See Also[edit | edit source]
Reference[edit | edit source]
None provided.