Revision as of 12:29, 24 April 2015 by imported>Gribbleshnibit8
Lutana is a plugin for NVSE that adds a number of additional functions to the game.
It is available via this external link.
List of Functions (Version 11)
- GetLNVersion
- FileExists
- GetTimeStamp
- GetLoadedType
- ListToArray
- SetVariableFloat
- SetVariableRef
- GetCellRefs
- GetCombatStyle
- SaveHotkeys
- RestoreHotkeys
- HasPerkRank
- SetGlobalValue
- GetModName
- GetBipedModelList
- SetBipedModelList
- LeveledListAddForm
- LeveledListRemoveForm
- GetNumLevItems
- GetLevItemIndexByForm
- GetLevItemIndexByLevel
- GetNthLevItem
- GetNthLevItemLevel
- GetNthLevItemCount
- RemoveNthLevItem
- LeveledListClear
- GetChanceNone
- GetChanceNoneGlobal
- SetChanceNone
- DumpLevList
- GetController
- IsButtonPressed
- GetPressedButtons
- GetLeftStickX
- GetLeftStickY
- GetRightStickX
- GetRightStickY
- GetDeadZoneX
- GetDeadZoneY
- SetDeadZoneX
- SetDeadZoneY
- GetLeftTrigger
- GetRightTrigger
- ClearAllHotkeys
- SetPerkRank
- GetSelfModIndex
- GetFormMods
- IsFormOverridden
- GetMerchantContainer
- GetMapMarkerName
- SetMapMarkerName
- GetMapMarkerVisible
- SetMapMarkerVisible
- GetMapMarkerTravel
- SetMapMarkerTravel
- IsRadioRef
- GetRadioBroadcastType
- SetRadioBroadcastType
- GetRadioRadius
- GetRadioStatic
- SetRadioStatic
- GetRadioPosRef
- SetRadioPosRef
- LNGetAggroRadius
- LNSetAggroRadius
- Search
- GetLockedOut
- SetLockedOut
- IsMapMarker
- GetCellCoords
- GetRecipeRequiredSkill
- SetRecipeRequiredSkill
- GetRecipeRequiredSkillLevel
- SetRecipeRequiredSkillLevel
- GetRecipeInputForms
- GetRecipeInputCount
- SetRecipeInputCount
- ReplaceRecipeInputForm
- GetRecipeOutputForms
- GetRecipeOutputCount
- SetRecipeOutputCount
- ReplaceRecipeOutputForm
- SHA1File
- GetLoadedTypeArray
- GetCreatureType
- GetPasswordNote
- SetPasswordNote
- GetMapMarkerHidden
- SetMapMarkerHidden
- GetMapMarkerType
- SetMapMarkerType
- GetMapMarkerRep
- SetMapMarkerRep
- SetRadioRadius
- GetINIString
- SetINIString
- GetINIFloat
- SetINIFloat
- GetINISection
- SetINISection
- GetPerkEntryCount
- GetNthPerkEntryType
- GetNthPerkEntryFunction
- SetNthPerkEntryFunction
- GetNthPerkEntryForm
- SetNthPerkEntryForm
- GetNthPerkEntryValue1
- GetNthPerkEntryValue2
- SetNthPerkEntryValue2
- GetNthPerkEntryString
- GetRecipeCategory
- SetRecipeCategory
- GetRecipeSubcategory
- SetRecipeSubcategory
- GetFormRecipes
- GetFormRecipeOutputs
- GetStringSetting
- SetStringSetting
- GetActiveQuest
- SetLinkedRef
- SetBaseForm
- GetWorldspaceParentWorldspace
- GetArmorClass
- IsRaceInList
- GetActivatorRadioStation
- SetActivatorRadioStation
- GetActivatorPrompt
- SetActivatorPrompt
- GetActivatorWaterType
- SetActivatorWaterType
- IsParentActivateOnly
- GetTerminalLock
- GetFormFromMod
- GetINISectionNames