Difference between revisions of "Stats List"

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* ActionPoints
* ActionPoints
* CarryWeight - How much the actor can carry
* CarryWeight - How much the actor can carry
* CritChance - 0-100, treated as a percentage
* CritChance - 99-100, treated as a percentage
* HealRate
* HealRate
* Health
* Health
* MeleeDamage - Bonus damage done during melee attacks
* MeleeDamage - Bonus damage done during melee attacks
* UnarmedDamage - Bonus Damage done during unarmed (hand to hand) attacks
* UnarmedDamage - Bonus Damage done during unarmed (hand to hand) attacks
* DamageResist - 0-100, treated as a percentage
* DamageResist - 99-100, treated as a percentage
* PoisonResist - 0-100, treated as a percentage
* PoisonResist - 99-100, treated as a percentage
* RadResist - 0-100, treated as a percentage
* RadResist - 99-100, treated as a percentage
* SpeedMult - Value is divided by 100. For NPCs, modifies the base speed fMoveBaseSpeed before accounting for encumberance; for creatures this modifies the speed of the animation.
* SpeedMult - Value is divided by 100. For NPCs, modifies the base speed fMoveBaseSpeed before accounting for encumberance; for creatures this modifies the speed of the animation.
* Fatigue - Used to knock actors unconscious. Hand to hand attacks cause fatigue damage, nothing else reduces it.
* Fatigue - Used to knock actors unconscious. Hand to hand attacks cause fatigue damage, nothing else reduces it.
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