

ShowBarterMenu Displays the Barter Menu. It is not called on a Reference and can take 1 parameter. The parameter is in the range [ -100, 100 ] and denotes the percentage of discount on Sell prices / inflation on Buy prices. See examples below.


ShowBarterMenu PercentDiscount


ShowBarterMenu 50
sbm 50

The Barter Menu shows up, and the vendor sells items at 50% of their normal sell price and will buy items at 150% of their normal buy price.


  • The parameter default is 0 (no change to prices).
  • If you call it with 100 discount, it will allow the player to view an NPC's inventory like a container -- freely move things back and forth. (needs verification Grail Quest 13:05, 26 March 2012 (EDT))

See AlsoEdit