Actor Value Codes
Revision as of 18:00, 26 January 2017 by imported>Pintocat (added NV hardcore av's)
The following int codes correspond to actor values.
0: Aggression 1: Confidence 2: Energy 3: Responsibility 4: Mood 5: Strength 6: Perception 7: Endurance 8: Charisma 9: Intelligence 10: Agility 11: Luck 12: ActionPoints 13: CarryWeight 14: CritChance 15: HealRate 16: Health 17: MeleeDamage 18: DamageResist 19: PoisonResist 20: RadResist 21: SpeedMult 22: Fatigue 23: Karma 24: XP 25: PerceptionCondition 26: EnduranceCondition 27: LeftAttackCondition 28: RightAttackCondition 29: LeftMobilityCondition 30: RightMobilityCondition 31: BrainCondition 32: Barter 33: BigGuns 34: EnergyWeapons 35: Explosives 36: Lockpick 37: Medicine 38: MeleeWeapons 39: Repair 40: Science 41: Guns (or Small Guns) 42: Sneak 43: Speech 44: Survival 45: Unarmed 46: InventoryWeight 47: Paralysis 48: Invisibility 49: Chameleon 50: NightEye 51: Turbo 52: FireResist 53: WaterBreathing 54: RadiationRads 55: BloodyMess 56: UnarmedDamage 57: Assistance 58: ElectricResist 59: FrostResist 60: EnergyResist 61: EmpResist 62: Variable01 63: Variable02 64: Variable03 65: Variable04 66: Variable05 67: Variable06 68: Variable07 69: Variable08 70: Variable09 71: Variable10 72: IgnoreCrippledLimbs 73: Dehydration 74: Hunger 75: SleepDeprivation 76: DamageThreshold