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1,357 bytes added ,  10:45, 25 March 2011
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== Iterating through multiple lists ==
Script Type: Object
;Script requires the [[Fallout Script Extender]].
This is a good technique for making simulated 2 dimension arrays in tes script
There are a few technically unnecessary variables but this loop is setup to be used as part of a series.
To use in series, just copy everything from ";Main Loop" to the last "EndIf". The only thing you need to change is the value of "MainList".
Sorry for any errors, I'm writing this from memory
scn Test2Dim
; Counter vars
long Count1
long Count2
; Max Count vars
long MaxCount1
long MaxCount2
; Label vars
short Label1
short Label2
; Lists
ref MainList
ref CurrentList
ref CurrentRef
Begin onActivate
; setup counters
Set Label1 To 0
Set Label2 To 1
;Main Loop
Set MainList To TopLevelListHere
Set Label1 To Label1 + 2 ; 2 Because its the number af labels
Set Label2 To Label2 + 2
Set Count1 To 0
Set MaxCount1 To ListGetCount MainList
Label Label1
Set Count2 To 0
Set CurrentList To ListGetNthForm MainList Count1
Set MaxCount2 To ListGetCount CurrentList
Label Label2
Set CurrentRef To ListGetNthForm CurrentList Count2
; Use CurrentRef here
If Count2 < MaxCount2
Set Count2 To Count2 + 1
GoTo Label2
If Count1 < MaxCount1
Set Count1 To Count1 + 1
GoTo Label1
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