

SetQuestObject ObjectID flag 


SetQuestObject Jauffre 1 
SetQuestObject QuestFoozle 0 

Sets the "quest item" flag on an object or actor (1 or 0). When this flag is set to 1:

  • NPC/Creature -- has priority in updates when the player is changing process state. For instance, "quest" flagged NPCs will follow the player through load doors more quickly. Corpses will not be "cleaned up" when the cell expires.
  • Inventory items -- player cannot drop or sell items flagged as "quest items".

Form TypesEdit

These form types can be Quest items:

22: Talking Activator
24: Armor
25: Book
31: Misc
40: Weapon
41: Ammo
42: NPC
43: Creature
46: Key
47: Ingestible
103: Weapon Mod