< [[::Category:Functions|Category:Functions]]
A function added by the JIP NVSE Plugin.
Sets the value of a numeric trait (determined by traitID) of the Nth destruction stage in the Destruction Data of the specified Object.
(traitValue:int) SetNthDestructionStageTrait object:ref stageIndex:int traitID:int{0-4} newValue:int
Destruction Stage Trait IDs
0 Health Percentage 1 Self Damage per Second 2 Model Damage Stage 3 Flags Bitmask (see below) 4 Debris Count
1 Cap Damage 2 Disable Object 4 Destroy Object
SetNthDestructionStageTrait ElectricBox01 0 1 10
Will set the Self Damage per Second of the first (index 0) destruction stage of ElectricBox01 to 10.
SetNthDestructionStageTrait ElectricBox01 2 3 5
Will set the Flags Bitmask of the third (index 2) destruction stage of ElectricBox01 to 5, thus enable Cap Damage (1) and Destroy Object (4), and disable Disable Object (2).
- Obviously, this function is only usable with object types that have Destruction Data.