
< [[::Category:Functions|Category:Functions]]

A function added by the JIP NVSE Plugin.


Returns the reference from which the specified menu is derived (if currently open). The returned reference varies, depending on the menu:

1008	The container/actor inventory currently open.
1009	The actor being spoken to.
1014	The door/container being picked.
1023	The Map Marker on which the mouse is over.
1035	The item being repaired (Inventory Reference).
1053	The actor being bartered with.
1055	The terminal being hacked.
1056	The current target in VATS target-selection.
1057	The terminal being used.
1061	The weapon being modded (Inventory Reference).
1075	The actor whose companion-wheel is being used.
1077	The actor whose skills are used for crafting.
1083	The opponent actor in a Caravan game.


(menuTarget:ref) GetMenuTargetRef menuCode:int


GetMenuTargetRef 1009

See Also