
< [[::Category:Functions|Category:Functions]]

A function added by the JIP NVSE Plugin.


Returns an array_var containing inventory references of all the items in the calling reference's inventory.

Four optional parameters may be passed for filtering the result:

typeCode - Only include inventory references of items of this type (a full list of type-codes can be found here). Passing 0 will include items of ANY type.

noNonPlayable - Do not include items that are non-playable (only applicable to clothing, weapons and ammo).

noQuestItems - Do not include quest items.

noEquipped - Do not include inventory references that are currently equipped by the calling reference.


(items:array_var) reference.GetAllItemRefs typeCode:int noNonPlayable:0/1 noQuestItems:0/1 noEquipped:0/1


let aItems := objectRef.GetAllItemRefs

The returned array will include inventory references of ALL the items in the calling reference's inventory.

let aItems := objectRef.GetAllItemRefs 40 1 0 1

The returned array will include inventory references of all the weapon-type items in the calling reference's inventory, excluding references that are equipped, or of non-playable weapons.

See Also