Combat Flee
Fleeing in CombatEdit
An actor in combat decides to flee based on their confidence actor value and their current HP and DPS. See Confidence for details about when and why an actor in combat decides to flee. Once the actor has decided to flee, they will try the following things:
- Try to find a nearby teleport door to run through
- Try to find a cover location away from the attacker to hide behind
- Try to run away from the attacker
At the Flee PositionEdit
Once an actor has reached their flee position, they will wait until one of the following happens:
- If they are damaged, they will boost their confidence and re-evaluate whether they should flee or not
- If they detect a target too close by, they will boost their confidence and re-evaluate whether they should flee or not
There are several game settings used to control flee behavior
- fCombatFleeMaxDoorDistance( default: 2048.0 ) - The maximum distance the actor will search for a teleport door to go through
- fCombatFleeMinCoverDistance( default: 1536.0 ) - The minimum distance away from the attacker that the actor will search for cover
- fCombatFleeMaxCoverDistance( default: 3072.0 ) - The maximum distance away from the attacker that the actor will search for cover
- fCombatFleeNormalDistance( default: 2048.0 ) - The distance the actor will attempt to move if they cannot find a door or cover
- fCombatFleeBoostConfidenceTargetRadius( default: 512.0 ) - Once at their flee position, when a target gets within this distance and is detected, the fleeing actor will boost their confidence and re-evaluate
- fCombatFleeWaitTime ( default: 60 )