Allows you to set preferences for various aspects of the editor, mainly having to do with how the Render Window looks and operates.
Reference Movement
- Movement Speed: The speed at which you move objects around the render area. (Common setting: 5)
- Snap To Grid: The distance at which an object will move to "snap" to the next position. (Common setting: 32,64,128,etc.)
- Roation Speed: Speed at which you rotate an object. (Common setting:2)
- Snap To Angle: Distance of rotation of the object till next snap. (Common setting:45)
- Snap To Reference:
Camera movement
- Rotation Speed: Speed of rotation of the camera using Shift+Mouse Look. (Common setting:15)
- Zoom Speed:
- Zoom Speed (Othographic):
- Pan Speed: Speed using Space+Mouse Look. (Common setting:25)
Landscape Movement
- Sensitivity Multiplier:
Common settings obtained with a 800 DPI mouse.
Render WindowEdit
Time of Day: Set time of day to be displayed in the render window either by typing it in to the Display Time box or by clicking and dragging.
View Settings: Click and drag to set the view distance in the render window.
Always Render Window Cell Loads:
Constant Water Update:
Show Memory Usage Frame:
Update M Number for Selected Objects:
Lighting Pass
- Ambient:
- Diffuse:
- Specular:
- Texture:
Force Multipass:
Tall Grass:
- # of Lights:
- # of Passes:
- Overdraw:
Shadow Casters
- Actors:
- Statics and Activators:
Reload Shaders:
- LOD mult:
- Fade mult:
- LOD mult:
- Fade mult:
- LOD mult:
- Fade mult:
Force Full Tree LOD:
Skip Initial Cell Load On Editor Start:
Skip Initial User Plug-In Load:
Auto Save Every __ Minutes: